Instructions: My Core Values

Welcome to the “Value of Values” workshop presented by The PEAK Fleet. Please use the following instructions to complete the exercise before returning to the workshop. Your facilitator will provide a coupon code specific to your organization.

Please note: this exercise is compatible with Chrome, Safari and Edge browsers. Internet Explorer is not supported.

To complete the PEAK Values® Online Exercise:

  1. Go to
  2. Select 1 and click “Add to cart”
  3. Click “View cart”
  4. Enter coupon code (provided by your facilitator) and click “Apply coupon” 
  5. Proceed to checkout
  6. Complete billing details (no credit card required), including an account password.
  7. Optional: “Subscribe to our newsletter”
  8. Check the box for “I have read and agree to the website terms and conditions”
  9. Click “Place order”. 
  10. Go to to begin the exercise. When prompted for a “group code”, enter the coupon code you used.
  11. Read about Strengths vs. Values and Core vs. Aspirational Values and then follow the instructions to complete all four stages:
    • Stage 1 = Review all 55 values and determine Core vs. Aspirational vs. Discard
    • Stage 2 = Reduce Core Values to 14
    • Stage 3 = Select your top 6
    • Stage 4 = Build your Core Values “PEAK”
  12. You’ll receive an email with your results, but you can also download them in .PDF format
  13. Once you have your results, return to the workshop to learn how to incorporate core values into your personal and professional life.